Please Be Patient With Me

There’s parts of your life you go through, you just don’t know where you are . . . Hopefully, you wake up and there’s somebody, you know, you can trust next to ya . . .

Update: When the video was up,  it included the song and a little snippet of an interview with Jeff Tweedy.  Those are his words above, but the sentiment resonates with me.

Here’s the song, if you care to listen:

[clearspring_widget title=”Grooveshark Widget: Single Song” wid=”48f3f305ad1283e4″ pid=”4b200281400c220c” width=”400″ height=”300″ domain=””]


Filed under what matters

2 responses to “Please Be Patient With Me

  1. Max J

    I haven’t had the pleasure of waking up to someone I trust next to me in many years.
    After I went through that time of my life where I searched for someone – I just gave up.
    I went back to earlier times in my life, where if someone wanted to get close or I wanted to get close – we had to fuck first. It was such a simplier time. (And yes, not many came close – but there were no games)

    • lorisays

      The thing about trust, I think, is that it is a choice. We’re led to believe that trust is a feeling but really it is a decision. You decide that someone is worth the risk of you putting him or her in a position to utterly crush you. It’s not very romantic, I guess. But when you know that you have chosen to allow someone to have that kind of power over you, I don’t think you ever take the person for granted and I think you appreciate all the more every day that you enjoy and are not crushed by your choice.

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